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2023 Lehigh Valley Homebrewer of the Year

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This will be an all encompassing competition that runs all year long with multiple types of brewing contests incorporating

  • BJCP-style specific competitions

  • Iron Brewer ingredient-based challenges

  • Peoples/Brewers Choice Beer Festivals

The difference this year is this is a points-based competition rather than single elimination tournaments we typically have had in the past. Our goal is to encourage homebrewers to try new styles and techniques, stretch their skills and have opportunities to brew for club competitions and community throughout the entire year. 

Grand Prize winner will be invited to collaborate and brew with To Be Announced!

Rules and Guidelines:

  • Two bottles per entry are recommended, however if judging is set to occur that day, a growler would be acceptable.  Bottles/growlers should be labeled with the beer style and your entry number (to be provided).

  • Entries will be judged by club judges (and those in training to become judges) at socially distanced sessions until the club can meet in person.   Winners will be selected based on BJCP style guidelines or a combination of BJCP guidelines and  well balanced incorporation of the special ingredient for Iron brewer challenge types.  Exceptions to these judging approaches will be noted where applicable.

  • No Elimination Rounds until the finals, if necessary (if 2 or more brewers are within 25 points of first place at the end of scheduled competitions, a playoff brewing competition will be announced)

  • For any competition, the award level points will be: 35 points for 1st place, 25 points for 2nd, 20 points for 3rd. If more than 6 participants enter, the remaining top half of brewers will receive 10 points (i.e. Mini-BOS bonus).  

  • 5 Points awarded for participation in each event for non-award level finishes. (Ex. Participants finishing in the top half will not earn participation points in addition to their awarded points)

  • Malt Madness medal winners will earn points up to their highest medal won.  Gold: 20pts; Silver: 15pts; Bronze 10pts.  (Ex. a brewer earns a silver and bronze medal, they will be awarded 15 pts; a brewer winning 2 gold medals will be awarded 20 pts.)

  • Difficulty points in the amount of 5 or 10 will be awarded as a bonus for anyone finishing at the "award" level upon entering a beer that meets the difficulty challenge of the event.  The amount of difficulty points will be established in the challenge schedule.

  • Brewing teams are allowed, but must identify their "Captain" who will ultimately be awarded the grand prize and bragging rights.  (i.e. Highlander Rules: "There can only be one")

  • Quarterly winners announced at the the end of each quarter

Challenge Schedule

BJCP Style Challenge Type: Brew one of the selected BJCP styles to be judged on how well it meets the guidelines.

Iron Brewer Challenge Type: Incorporate the listed special ingredient into a well known beer style.  The entry will be judged on how well the ingredient is incorporated into the overall drinking experience while still being balanced with the base beer style.

Label Challenge: Create a label for one of your home-brews; labels will be judged by fellow members at the Holiday Party

Style Challenge
Challenge Description
March: Garden State Homebrew Competition
Tropical Stout
April: Spring Brewfest SteelStacks
Brewers Choice
Brewers Guild
May: Big Brew Participation
Big Brew participation
Bonus for serving to public
June: BJCP
Any Historical Style
Belgian Blonde 25A Munich Helles 4A
10 points for Munich Helles
August: Malt Madness
Any Style
September: BJCP
Belgian Strong Dark
Brewers Choice
Clam Jam
Brettanomyces and/or Pediococcus
November: Valhalla
Label Challenge

Virtual Judging:

Participants will be emailed the details of drop off locations. Club officers will assist in making sure all the beer gets to the right locations and packaged properly, so please just ask for assistance if necessary!  

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