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Proposed Change to Club Bylaws

Updated: May 26, 2020

The officers and board of advisors are requesting a membership vote on a change to the election schedule at the May meeting. This is precipitated by the impact on Covid-19 on the club's ability to meet, but moreso by the observation that May elections are disruptive to planning the summer club events such as NHC booth preparation and Malt Madness. Additionally, in-club competitions need to be transitioned while they are in progress.

Club Leadership is proposing the migrations happen in November with the new terms starting in January. For 2020, it is proposed to extend the current officers and board of advisors until the elections would occur. If there is a contested position, a six month term would be considered. The officers have not received any nominations at this point, but can take them up until this topic is brought to a vote during the meeting. Below is the original bylaw and then the proposed change:


SECTION 3 - ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The election of Officers will take place annually during the May regular Club meeting. Nomination of an individual for candidacy for a position as Officer may only be made by a Member, including the nominee himself or herself. Nominations must be made by communicating the nomination to any Officer in any manner and at any time up to the moment that the voting for the Officers begins. Candidates may be nominated for more than one office, but no Officer may serve in more than one elected position at the same time. Contested positions will be voted by secret ballot. The winner of a contested election is the person who receives the most number of votes of those Members present and voting for that position. In the event of a tie in an election for a contested position, there shall be a re-vote. In the event that the re-vote for a contested position results in a tie, the remaining Officers shall elect the candidate by a three-quarters majority. Uncontested positions may be confirmed by voice vote of those Members attending the meeting. The newly-elected Officers assume their duties at the concolusion of the May meeting.


SECTION 3 - ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The election of Officers will take place annually during the November regular Club meeting. Nomination of an individual for candidacy for a position as Officer may only be made by a Member, including the nominee himself or herself. Nominations must be made by communicating the nomination to any Officer in any manner and at any time up to the moment that the voting for the Officers begins. Candidates may be nominated for more than one office, but no Officer may serve in more than one elected position at the same time. Contested positions will be voted by secret ballot. The winner of a contested election is the person who receives the most number of votes of those Members present and voting for that position. In the event of a tie in an election for a contested position, there shall be a re-vote. In the event that the re-vote for a contested position results in a tie, the remaining Officers shall elect the candidate by a three-quarters majority. Uncontested positions may be confirmed by voice vote of those Members attending the meeting. The newly-elected Officers assume their duties at the commencement of the new calendar year.

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