Greetings Brewers,
Our August meeting will be Tuesday, August 29th, at Bonn Place Brewing in Bethlehem, PA. Food will not be available on-site, but there are plenty of options nearby to grab something. Tuesday are also "Tropical Tuesdays" at Bonn, so join us in wearing a Hawaiian shirt or tropical themed attire.
If you've not yet registered for Clam Jam and are interested in serving beer there, please do so immediately, so we can confirm our final count with 3rd & Ferry, and so we know what equipment and preparation the club will need to coordinate for that event. It's always a fun time in Easton, so if you're available please consider joining us.
As we mentioned last month, Malt Madness has been moved to October 14, at Retriever Brewing. We need significant participation from the club at several points throughout the event to make it successful, so if you have the ability to help, please let us know so we can put you on our list of people to contact.
Thank you to the club members who voted on whether or not to adopt our new Articles of Incorporation at the last meeting. The measure passed, and now that we have this in place we hope to continue to make progress on securing our non-profit status.
To our BJCP judges, the competition coordinators for Motown Mash have reached out looking for help judging entries for that competition. They still hope to judge everything in person on August 30th, but have created a virtual judging session in the event they cannot get sufficient commitment for that day alone.
See you on Tuesday,
Steve Anthony
LVHb Club President
Future Meetings:
Meetings are open to anyone (21 and older) who home brews (beer, wine, cider, mead) or is interested in learning about home brewing. Our club has over 30 certified judges and several members who have "gone pro" by opening their own brewery, meadery, or distillery! - So bring your latest craft creation and get some constructive feedback and/or accolades!
OUR BREWERS (are awesome!)

The club was well represented at the Schuylkill County Brew Fest, were Rob took the People's Choice championship belt! Congratulations!
Congratulations to John Jessen for taking bronze in the Smoked Beer category at the NJ State Fair Homebrew Competition with his Rauchbier, "Rauch Potato"!
Lehigh Valley Homebrewer of the Year
Serve any beer you'd like for Clam Jam in August! Check out the competition listing for details for the full year.
Full list is available here.
Recommended Local Homebrew Competitions:
Competition | Date | Registrations Due |
08/27/2023 | 08/27/2023 | |
09/30/2023 | 09/09/2023 | |
Malt Madness | 10/14/2023 | TBA |
The details for most of our happenings (news, events, etc.) will either be included in the monthly newsletter or will be found on the LVHB Website Club Info page. More random thoughts, photos, and links will be shared via the club Facebook page. Find photos of our brewing activities on Instagram! @lehighvalleyhomebrewers
Are you an AHA member? As we prepare to do club membership renewals, it's a good time to consider adding or renewing an AHA Membership for yourself or your brewing buddy. Use our link (click the image below) and the club gets credit for your membership!
Member Benefits
Keystone Homebrew Supply offers 10% off online and in-store purchases for LVHB members as well as a points based loyalty reward program. They offer weekly local delivery on Saturday at Bonn Place in Bethlehem (just place your order by Thursday). Keystone offers full sacks of grain as well as a large selection of brewing and wine making equipment. Also, for most local competitions they provide a drop off point so you don't have to mail in your entries! https://www.keystonehomebrew.com/ Hop and Grain offers members 20% off purchases on their online store, free shipping and flexible local pick-up options. You'll find them very accommodating, even if you require a special order. https://hopandgrain.us/
Brew Hardware offers members a 5% discount as well! https://www.brewhardware.com/Default.asp
GrogTags offers members 15% off with the code on the member page - get creative with your labels and prepare for the 2023 label competition!
There's no excuse not to brew because you can't get ingredients or equipment! Thank you to the local shops that support our club!
See all the benefits of membership as well as how to join here.
