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November/December Lehigh Valley Homebrewers Newsletter

Greetings Brewers!

Happy Holidays to everyone from LVHB! We wish you and your loved ones a safe, healthy and happy holiday season.

Thank you to all who tuned into our November Zoom Meeting on 11/ 24.

With cider season in the autumn, we talked a lot about cider production with LVHB alumni Andrew David and Brian Williams. They'll be opening their craft cidery, Five Maidens, on the south side of Bethlehem in 2021. You can check out their plans and ways to support them on their website, instagram and facebook pages, including their kickstarter campaign. We'll be posting their presentation in the forums.

Future Meeting Locations:

December 29 - Holiday Zoom Party (see details below)

January 26 - TBD

Meetings are open to anyone (21 and older) who home brews (beer, wine, mead) or is interested in learning about home brewing.  Our club has over 30 certified judges and several members who have "gone pro" by opening their own brewery, meadery, or distillery! - So bring your latest craft creation and get some constructive feedback and/or accolades!



LVHB Holiday Party - Tuesday, 29 December

Even though we can't get together in-person, we'd like to do the next best thing and have an expanded virtual tasting. For a $10 contribution per person, we'll pick out and purchase 4-6 (or more) special selections that we can enjoy together via zoom on Tuesday 12/29. The number of people participating will help determine the total number of bottles each person receives, but the club will kick in some funds to ensure the number and quality of selections.

If you're interested, please sign up on the event page by Friday, December 11th. We'll work out the details for distribution/pick up and have more info available later. The $10 will be collected via PayPal payment requests to those who RSVP.

Learn to Homebrew Day - Saturday, 07 November

Thanks to all of you who joined us at the Becker's place for Learn to Homebrew Day. The weather was great and we had a nice crowd of folks brewing and/or enjoying the day. And of course, as expected, things were set on fire.

Many thanks to the Beckers for hosting! We hope more of you can join us in May for our Big Brew event.

LVHB Officer Elections

We're set to elect new LVHB officers. The list of candidates standing for each office is as follows:

President - John Litak

Vice President - Ken Solt or Joe Kalinosky

Treasurer - Steve Anthony

Secretary - Dan Miller

However, Joe has withdrawn from the election for VP and has elected to instead help the club run our planned BJCP training class as one of our instructors. As a result, all positions are now determined. The 2021 officers will be:

President - John Litak

Vice President - Ken Solt

Treasurer - Steve Anthony

Secretary - Dan Miller

We'd like to thank our club board members who oversaw this process, especially Ryan Wieand who prepped the voting form and advised on how to handle the last minute change with the VP candidates. (Please ignore the voting email you have received).

Member Benefits

Keystone Homebrew Supply offers 10% off online and in-store purchases for LVHB members as well as a points based loyalty reward program.  They offer weekly local delivery on Saturday at Bonn Place in Bethlehem (just place your order by Thursday).  Keystone offers full sacks of grain as well as a large selection of brewing and wine making equipment.  Also, for most local competitions they provide a drop off point so you don't have to mail in your entries! Hop and Grain offers members 20% off purchases on their online store, free shipping and flexible local pick-up options.  You'll find them very accommodating, even if you require a special order.

There's no excuse not to brew because you can't get ingredients or equipment!  Thank you to the local shops that support our club!

See all the benefits of membership as well as how to join here.



Holiday Party - 29 DEC


OUR BREWERS (are awesome)

Congrats to all of our brewers on their award winning homebrew!

Motown Mash

Table 2: American Ales (9 entries)

3rd Christopher Ferrante Four More Beers 19A: American Amber Ale

Table 3: American And Specialty IPA (6 entries)

1st Scott Smith Hd #25 21A: American IPA

2nd John Litak Crazy 88 IPA 21B: Specialty IPA

Table 7: British and Irish Stouts (9 entries)

2nd Ryan Celia Extra! Extra! 15C: Irish Extra Stout

Table 8: Bitter British Beers (8 entries)

1st Ryan Celia Alley Cat 12C: English IPA

HM Scott Smith The 4th Lion 12A: English Golden Ale

Table 15: German Sour Ales (5 entries)

2nd Scott Smith Money Over Pitches 27A1: Gose

Table 22: Pilsners (5 entries)

3rd Ryan Celia X-Rated Pils 5D: German Pils

Table 24: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beers (13 entries)

1st John Litak Every Kind of Lucky 30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer



Bracket Competition

Check out the latest on the bracket here. In January, we'll be judging the English Barleywine submissions from our 4 finalists.

Black is Beautiful

Lehigh Valley Homebrewers has partnered with Lehigh Valley Beer Fellowship to wrap up this competition, raise some more donations and choose a champ! If you've brewed the beer and are willing to share at least a six-pack, please complete the form on the competition page. If you need labels, we'll get them to you too!

The donation page is now available as well!

Unfortunately, we're going to shelve the Iron Brewer and Clone Beer competitions for 2020. We hope we can put these together again in 2021.



Full list is available here.

War of the Worts

  • 02/27/2021 (Montgomeryville, PA)

  • Entry Deadline: 02/06/2021

  • $8/entry

  • link not yet available



The details for most of our happenings (news, events, etc.) will either be included in the monthly newsletter or will be found on the LVHB Website Club Info page.   More random thoughts, photos, and links will be shared via the club Facebook page.   Find photos of our brewing activities on Instagram!  @lehighvalleyhomebrewers

LVHB T-Shirts

LVHB t-shirts are available for sale. Please see a club officer for more information and to purchase. Styles and pricing are as follows:

T-shirts - blue only, Short sleeve L-XXL


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